Society for the Promotion of the Egyptian Museum Berlin

Ancient Library

  • Photo: papyrus
  • Fairytales on the Papyrus Westcar
  • Foto: Papyrus
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Room 2.11: Documents from Egypt and the Ancient world

The Berlin Papyrus Collection is the oldest and largest of its kind in Germany and one of the most significant collections in the world. The diversity of the collection, which comprises tens of thousands of items, is the result of acquisitions and donations as well as excavations at various places in Egypt. In addition to papyri, which were made from the pith of the marsh plant of the same name, the collection features limestone flakes and potsherds (ostraca), leather, parchment, paper, textiles, wooden boards and wax tablets dating from the Old Kingdom to the Middle Ages. On these media texts have been handed down in Demotic, Egyptian, Aramaic, Greek, Latin, Coptic, Persian, Arabic, Syrian and Ethiopian languages. The exhibition features major literary works and religious writings but also gives some insight into scientific study, schooling and everyday life in ancient Egypt


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